Sept 2018 - Leah Vukmir Kicks off U.S. Senate Campaign

Leah Vukmir won the August Republican primary and moved on to the general election, facing-off against Democrat U.S. Senate incumbent Tammy Baldwin. Jamestown Associates came back to us for two more days of filming at multiple locations in the metro Milwaukee area including one very chilly morning filming Vukmir skating around the Pettit National Ice Center.

Again, Jamestown sent their own producer, director and DP. Fresh Coast supplied everything else - crew, camera support and a grip truck. Everything went smoothly with the possible exception of the gimbal stabilizer Jamestown had shipped in. Neither their DP or our AC had ever seen one like it, and the two of them spent hours the night before the shoot figuring out how the thing worked.

As Jamestown’s Production Manager Rebecca Jacobs put it:
“Thank you so much for dealing with all our craziness, never a dull moment here at Jamestown.”