Fresh Coast™ Studios films The Naked Truth in Milwaukee

When Lewis Black’s “The Emperor’s New Clothes – Naked Truth Tour” played the historic Pabst Theatre in Milwaukee, WI on May 13 & 14,
FRESH COAST was there.
Lewis Black performs live at the Pabst Theatre in May, 2016. Remote MultTrack Audio Recording provided by Fresh Coast™ Studios.

Film and music producer Jack Guilick known for his television documentaries ranging from Bruce Springsteen, and Metallica, to LA street gangs saw the Milwaukee performances as an opportunity to gather material for upcoming audio CD’s and a possible television special. Guilick reached out to FRESH COAST to provide multi-track audio recording and video footage of the performances. The last 30 minutes of each show would also streamed live on

Audience at Pabst Theatre in Milwaukee for Lewis Black's

The audio requirements were very specific. In addition to two mics on Lewis Black, Guilick requested six matching shotgun mics strategically placed around the theatre to capture audience reactions. All eight mics were to be recorded on separate channels in 24 bit/96kHz with dual 8-track recorders providing system redundancy and hardware backup. We chose Sennheiser 416’s for the audience mics and a pair of Sound Devices 8 channel recorders. Thomas Beach engineered the recording.

Lewis Black's live performance is captured in digital cinema format by Fresh Coast™ Studios in May, 2016.

To insure the video footage would be suitable for any possible future uses (broadcast or theatrical release), we choose a Canon Digital Cinema camera equipped with a 150-600mm lens to give us a waist-up framing from the back of the theatre.

Lewis Black has been hugely popular in Wisconsin since the early ninety’s and both performances were sold out. The producers were happy. The audiences had a great time and so did our crew. As Lewis put it: “It’s an extraordinary state. They’ve embraced me and they’ve embraced Scott Walker”. He had a lot more to say about Wisconsin’s Republican Governor, but we’re not going to go there.