Fresh Coast helps promote “Annabelle” to Chicago Spanish Language media.

“Annabelle”, a prequel to last year’s horror film “The Conjuring”, was released worldwide this month by Warner Brothers. (

Fresh Coast’s involvement in promoting the film took place back in late September, but we decided to hold the posting and make it our Halloween Blog.


Our client, the ARENAS Entertainment Group with offices in LA, Miami, Mexico, and Spain ( specializes in marketing entertainment products to U.S. Latino audiences. The press event, held at the fittingly spooky looking nightclub Castle Chicago, featured one of the film’s stars Tony Amendola, LA-based Psychic Reader Salvador Gata, and one very creepy-looking doll housed in a glass case.


Our job was to film interviews for Chicago Spanish language media outlets, and hand-off the footage to the various reporters attending. To liven things up a bit, Salvador Gata offered “Psychic Cleanses” to anyone feeling the need for a little on-the-spot Exorcism due to the close proximity of the evil looking Annabelle doll. After witnessing the ritual, which involved spitting and raw eggs, our crew decided to pass.

Global documentary on M.S. includes shoot in Janesville, WI

In October, Fresh Coast was given the opportunity to participate in a very ambitious documentary film project dealing with the complex issues of MS (multiple sclerosis). Produced by MBM Productions in Chicago ( with funding from a major pharmaceutical company, the film explores all elements of MS from the latest clinical research to stories of people living with the disease. Fresh Coast’s role was to provide crew and equipment for a profile on Lori Schneider – the only person with MS to have climbed Mt. Everest. ( Filming took place in Ms. Schneider’s hometown of Janesville, WI.



Immediately prior to the Janesville shoot, MBM’s producer/director team Steven and Lisa Sulkin, along with DP Chip Nusbaum had been filming in Italy and the UK. Since they would arrive in Janesville only one day before filming began, Fresh Coast’s field producer handled all the on-location pre-pro coordination and location scouting.


With the shoot only a few days out, we learned that DP Nusbaum had some very specific gear requests. Bob Donnelley at North American Camera came through for us and was able to assemble an extensive camera package that included two Canon C-300’s, both Canon and Angenieux cinema zoom lenses, and a long list of camera support gear.

Jed Henry at Recon Productions in Madison was able to locate a steadicam rig with the requested wireless audio and video feeds and had it shipped in from Kentucky. Jed also worked the shoot as 2nd camera and steadicam operator.

Blue Moon Lights provided a very robust lighting & grip package that included a full complement of HMI, KinoFlo, and LED fixtures.

But even the best gear means little without the right people behind it, so a big shout out to our 10-person crew whose talents and resourcefulness made this shoot a success.

Audio Recordist Tom Beach, Gaffer Chris Marks, Grip Kenny Somerville, Grip/AC Tim Moder, 2nd Camera Jed Henry, PA/Utility Grip Jake Demoske, Makeup Artist Susin Greenberg, PA Ben Ramsdele, Data Manager Jeff Taylor, and Field Producer Ralph Pabst.

Our thanks to all the Fresh Coast crew and equipment suppliers whose talents and resourcefulness made this shoot a success.