The New Realities of Media Production

For years we’ve been telling our clients: “We’ll make it happen”. Today, as we all struggle to find ways to safely deal with the challenges and risks imposed by COVID -19, FRESH COAST is still “making it happen”. We’re just doing it a little differently.

Pre-production has taken on new meaning.
Location Scouting now means more than just assessing lighting requirements, power availability and load-in logistics. Today it means determining if the space itself is sufficiently large and with adequate air circulation to ensure a safe shoot. Off-set areas will be needed for staging and sanitizing equipment and props.
Alternative locations may need to be found, crew positions adjusted, and lighting plans modified – sometimes all at the last minute.
Filming schedules and call times will need to factor in that everything is going to take longer.
Work Smart. Stay Safe.
Minimizing the number of people on-set has always been a good idea. Now it’s an imperative. Each filming environment will have its own unique challenges, and we’re all going to have to learn to adjust.
  • DPs could end up having to set lights and pull their own focus.
  • Directors may find themselves watching monitors in another room, or even another city via a webcast.
  • Talent may have to provide their own wardrobe and do their own makeup.
  • Prompter ops and script supervisors could find themselves on headsets in a garage.
  • Everyone will need to plan for the unexpected. No more running out at the last minute to find another prop or buy a different shirt for the talent. Even grabbing that extra C-Stand off the truck will be involved and time consuming.
And a lot of other stuff we’re just going to have to learn to deal with as it comes. But we’re all pretty good at that.